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Report 4th Apr 2019

Cambio de comportamiento para la naturaleza: Una caja de herramientas de las ciencias del comportamiento para agentes de cambio

Somos afortunados de vivir en un mundo lleno de abundancia y diversidad de vida. Sin embargo, la escala y el impacto crecientes del comportamiento humano representan un grave riesgo para el mundo natural de manera irreversible. La deforestación, la sobrepesca, los plásticos en los océanos, la2019-Behavior-Change-for-Nature-Spanish.pdf pérdida de biodiversidad y…

Also available in: English

Blog 10th Apr 2019

Reducing dropout at Sixth Form Colleges

Moving from one place to another is always stressful - whether that’s a new house, a new town, a new job, or a new educational institution. When we arrive in a new environment, especially one where we don’t know anyone, we cast around looking for clues about how to behave…

Blog 9th May 2019

Can we be more ambitious on sustainable diets?

Last week, a few doors down from where the Extinction Rebellion protests took place in Parliament Square, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) released its report on how the UK should transition to ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The key recommendation of the report is to up the…

Blog 13th May 2019

Can BI help tackle one of the world's top killers?

The Republic of Moldova, which has the highest incidence of TB in Europe, follows a treatment strategy called Directly-observed therapy (DOT). Under DOT TB patients are required by law to come to a clinic daily to take their medication under the supervision of a TB nurse. The strategy was based…

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