Hubert is a Senior Advisor within the Consumer and Business team in The Behavioural Insights Team’s London office.
Hubert leads projects within business policy and macroeconomics at BIT. His work has explored how behavioural insights can be applied to areas such as firm-level decision making, industrial policies, public procurement, and economic regulation. Partners in recent past work include The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, and The Office for National Statistics. Prior to joining BIT, Hubert worked in antitrust policy at The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Hubert holds a Master’s in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a BCom (Hons, Economics) from the University of Melbourne. He is currently pursuing a M-DPhil in Economics at The University of Oxford as a Clarendon Scholar at Nuffield College.