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Blog 19th Jul 2023

Using behavioural science to redesign customer water bills

Last year, the UK sweltered through its hottest summer on record, with droughts declared nationwide. And if this June - the hottest June since records began - is anything to go by, the signs point to this becoming a more regular occurrence in 2023 and beyond. It is a jarring…

Blog 15th Jul 2021

Improving equality, diversity and inclusion starts with good data

Data is critical for progressing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) goals. Transparency and accountability are both foundational for improving EDI and these cannot be achieved without data regarding both employee characteristics and workplace outcomes. While gender pay gap reporting has been shown to reduce gender inequality, many organisations in the…

Report 18th Jun 2021

Supporting men to take longer parental leave and work flexibly

Whilst there are a range of barriers contributing to men’s lower uptake of parental leave and flexible working, one explanation could be that, while men privately want to take more paternity leave and work flexibly, and are supportive of others who do, they underestimate support for these behaviours among their…

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