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Report 28th Jul 2022

ESOS recommendations template: final report

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), which is administered by the Environment Agency and was launched in 2014, requires large businesses/groups in the UK to carry out an energy audit of their buildings, industrial processes and transport at least once every 4 years to identify opportunities for energy efficiency.   A…

Report 25th Jan 2023

How to build a Net Zero society

Tackling climate change is not only a moral and legal obligation but is the growth opportunity of the 21st century and is backed by huge public support

Blog 9th Mar 2023

How can influencers encourage sustainable behaviours?

Working with Unilever, and its brands Dove and Hellmans, BIT designed and ran, to our knowledge, the largest online randomised-controlled trial with over 6,013 TikTok or Instagram users from across 3 countries (the UK, USA and Canada) to test the effect of different types of social media messaging.

Blog 5th Jun 2023

How can we build a Net Zero society?

To mark the World Environment Day, we’d like to tell you about our recent major sustainability event.  To achieve the UK's net-zero targets, we need significant social and behavioural shifts. But how can we get there? To help answer this question, earlier this year, BIT released a new flagship report…

Blog 19th Jul 2023

Using behavioural science to redesign customer water bills

Last year, the UK sweltered through its hottest summer on record, with droughts declared nationwide. And if this June - the hottest June since records began - is anything to go by, the signs point to this becoming a more regular occurrence in 2023 and beyond. It is a jarring…

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