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  • Blog
  • 19th Jun 2024

How reframing flexible working can drive up female recruitment

It is widely recognised that flexible work is one of the most important factors in helping women return to work, often due to ongoing caregiving responsibilities. Many women will only consider employers who offer such flexibility.

  • Blog
  • 13th Jun 2024

How to show true value in a CV in the gig economy

People in insecure work often accrue valuable skills and experience, even though their  employment history may include frequent job changes, gaps between jobs, or periods of unemployment. 

  • Blog
  • 16th Apr 2024

Why Hiring Creatives Won't Solve Your Innovation Challenge

Innovation and creativity aren't just desirable; they're essential for business success. By fostering a culture of innovation, businesses gain a competitive edge, ensuring they stand out in crowded markets and stay ahead of evolving trends. 

  • Blog
  • 6th Feb 2024

“Together for a safer internet”: how and why we should put children and young people at the heart of designing future internet policy

Today is Safer Internet Day, raising awareness globally of a safer and better internet for all, especially for children and young people. Lis Costa, Managing Director of BIT UK, considers how we might make this year’s theme of “Together for a safer internet” a meaningful reality. 

  • Blog
  • 28th Sep 2023

Eye robot: Using simulated eye-tracking as a behavioural research technique

It has been said that eyes are the windows to the soul. But for BIT, eyes are better thought of as the doorways to behaviour. This is because looking at things is one of the most obvious ways to understand attention, and attention itself is one of the most important…

  • Blog
  • 25th Sep 2023

System 2: A human-centred and data-driven approach to tackling disadvantage

We’re excited to have set up a new applied research Not for Profit, System 2, with a launch mission focused on helping young Australians in disadvantage to thrive. System 2’s aim is to design, test and scale solutions to society’s biggest challenges, by drawing on behavioural science, co-design, data and…

  • Working paper
  • 5th Apr 2023

BIT Working Paper No. 001 / Two Interventions for mitigating the harms of Greenwashing on consumer perceptions.

Growing demand for environmentally friendly products has led to an increase in companies exaggerating their environmental credentials, a practice commonly referred to as “greenwashing.” To identify the impact of greenwashing, and to test potential interventions, we designed an online experiment featuring a series of three advertisements featuring hypothetical companies.

  • Blog
  • 7th Feb 2023

Improving ethical behaviours online - working with young people to crack the code

Today is Safer Internet Day, the annual global initiative to bring communities together to improve online safety. Perhaps BIT’s biggest contribution in this space is the design and delivery of Digital Compass - a behaviourally informed programme designed with young people to help them behave ethically online.

  • Blog
  • 15th Dec 2022

Australia: A government learning how to learn faster

Australia today seems like a country at the precipice of bold reform

  • Blog
  • 16th Nov 2022

Parents' critical role in helping teens continue to say “no” to alcohol

While abstinence is the norm, more work needs to be done to encourage the minority of under-18s who do drink to change their behaviour