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21-30 of 44 results


Tom O'Keeffe

Tom is a Senior Research Advisor in the Environment, Productivity, Innovation and Consumers team. Prior to joining BIT, Tom worked as an independent economics consultant for various clients, including the World Bank and UK Government. He has worked on research projects in the UK and internationally covering topics in public…

Blog 29th Jan 2021

Changing Truck Driving Behavior One Mile at a Time

The Behavioral Insights Team recently partnered with LinkeDrive – an industry leader in truck driver performance management – to identify ways to use behavioral insights to help truck drivers drive more safely and fuel-efficiently, while also improving drivers’ experience on the road.

Report 26th Nov 2020

The Behavioural Economy

A new 10-point manifesto published by The Behavioural Insights Team which sets out a clear roadmap for how governments, regulators and central banks can start using powerful behavioural levers and nudges available to economic policy makers that have the potential to deliver real positive change.


Michelle DiMartino

Michelle is a Senior Advisor at BIT Americas, where she works with federal, state, and local governments to design and analyze public policy and operations in light of behavioral science. Additionally, she works with private sector partners in a range of industries to leverage behavioral insights and research methods to…

Blog 1st Apr 2020

Supporting employers and workers through the pandemic

While Covid-19 is primarily a public health issue, it also presents unprecedented challenges for both employers and workers. In this post, we set out additional suggestions for employers to support their workers during the main part of the crisis, based on behavioural insights. 


Dr Elizabeth Convery

Elizabeth is a Principal Advisor and the Head of Research in our Australian office. In addition to leading Australia's research function, she also leads major programs of work in the areas of healthcare and work health and safety (WHS). Prior to joining the Behavioural Insights Team, she was a senior…


Leah Everist

Leah is a Senior Advisor in BIT’s New York office, where she leads BIT's portfolio of collaborations with US states. She has led work with teams around the country on using behavioral insights to improve the inclusiveness and effectiveness of programs that serve the public, designing for challenges such as…

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