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- Blog
- 17th Apr 2018
Unemployed after 40 years: what next?
Keith Lowe worked at the BHP steelworks in Newcastle, a regional city in Australia, for nearly 40 years before it closed in 1999. Despite the shock of closure, Keith walked out of the steelworks’ gates for the last time with confidence in his future. Keith likes using his hands. Before…
- Blog
- 3rd May 2018
Inflated expectations? Our research on how to ask people about inflation
New results published in the Singapore Macroeconomic Review Central banks around the world want to know how people expect prices to change. Why does it matter? Suppose I want a new television. If I expect the price of that TV will be higher next year, I might choose to buy…
- Blog
- 15th Aug 2018
Central banking: when communication is the policy
Sometimes, the explanation is the policy. — Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve 2014-2018 The psychological and behavioural economics literatures have had a transformative impact on how we understand people’s financial and personal decision-making. Studies have shown that more information isn’t always better, that defaulting people into saving can…
- Report
- 15th Aug 2018
Enhancing central bank communications with behavioural insights
A joint study from the Bank of England and the Behavioural Insights Team
- Person
Hubert Wu
Hubert is a Senior Advisor within the Consumer and Business team in The Behavioural Insights Team’s London office. Hubert leads projects within business policy and macroeconomics at BIT. His work has explored how behavioural insights can be applied to areas such as firm-level decision making, industrial policies, public procurement, and…
- Person
Eva Kolker
Eva is a Principal Advisor and the Head of Consumers and Business Markets at BIT. She leads the organisation's work in digital markets, business productivity, and consumer protection. She joined BIT in 2018 and is based in BIT's Manchester office. Eva has a business and economics background and is fluent…
- Report
- 29th Oct 2018
Evidence Report: Literature review and semi-structured interviews to support the establishment of the Centre for Public Services Leadership
An evidence-based report summarising BIT findings on effective leaders in UK public services.
- Report
- 28th Nov 2018
Applying Behavioural Insights to Labour Markets
Employment is one of the most important policy areas that governments manage. Yet, it is one with ample room for more use of evidence. Due to location and contextual factors, labour market policies are also often tailored to the economic needs of a country or region. For these reasons, continuous…
- Report
- 24th Jan 2019
The Behavioural Insights Team Annual Update Report 2017-18
Latest results from the team, covering issues from healthcare to humanitarian aid.
- Case study
- 24th Jan 2019
Improving public understanding of economics
Central banks’ inflation targets are more likely to be effective if they are widely understood and credible.