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61-70 of 148 results

  • Blog
  • 1st Jun 2022

What happens when cycling, walking, or taking the bus is faster than driving?

As traffic deaths hit a 15-year high in the US, Mexico City is showing what’s possible using a behavioral insights lens to guide investments

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 1st Jun 2022

¿Qué pasa cuando ir en bicicleta, a pie o tomar bus es más rápido que manejar?

En el Día Mundial de la Bicicleta celebramos las calles construidas para las personas y el transporte sostenible. Mientras las muertes por accidentes de tránsito alcanzan el nivel más alto de los últimos 15 años en Estados Unidos, Ciudad de México está demostrando lo que es posible cuando una ciudad…

Also available in: English

  • Blog
  • 22nd Apr 2022

How To Promote Better Waste Management With Behavioural Insights

Our planet can’t handle the amount of trash we produce but behavioral insights can help encourage proper disposal

  • Blog
  • 14th Apr 2022

Three ways behavioral insights can help shift peak energy demand

Across the Americas, climate change is putting pressure on energy providers. To keep the lights on during extreme weather, behavioural science can help

  • Blog
  • 13th Apr 2022

The role of behaviour change in the race to Net Zero

Last week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 3 released its sixth assessment report (AR6). Coming around every 6-8 years these hefty tomes summarise the state of climate knowledge from the scientific community, and this one is all about solutions. Since we’ll be pushing 2030 by the…

  • Person

Dr Bobby Stuijfzand

Bobby is a Senior Researcher and the Data Science Lead at BIT. Bobby’s main focus is the growth of behavioural data science for positive social impact at BIT. He also oversees the delivery of research using Predictiv, our in-house online experimentation platform which to date has launched over 250 online…

  • Report
  • 4th Apr 2022

Applying Behavioural Insights to Reduce Commuting Emissions

Globally, transport emissions are rising faster than those in any other sector. In Canada alone, transportation accounted for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, a 16% increase from 2005 levels. How people get to work contributes to this issue.

  • Blog
  • 4th Apr 2022

Let’s reset how we commute to save emissions

We need to build a future where the green choice is the obvious choice. To achieve our climate change goals, making public transit, biking, walking, or green commuting the obvious choice will be critical.

  • Blog
  • 22nd Mar 2022

It pays to try public transport

In Australia, the tyranny of distance has led to a historical reliance on commuting by car. But small vehicles account for a total of 10% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, and the emissions from these vehicles are as much as 40% higher than other countries. This comes in addition to…

  • Blog
  • 9th Mar 2022

How much are we willing to pay to make home heating greener?

When it comes to reducing emissions from the way people heat their homes (home heating is currently responsible for around 14% of UK emissions), the UK government (alongside many other countries) is betting a lot on heat pumps. We tried to understand how willing UK householders are to adopt a…