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11-20 of 128 results

  • Blog
  • 15th Jun 2018

Watch: how to tackle the gender pay gap

Many employers want to make real improvements  to gender equality and diversity, but choosing which actions to implement can be challenging. There’s a gap between established practice and evidence. For example, employers could be forgiven for thinking that adding one woman to a shortlist is an effective way to hire…

  • Report
  • 21st Jun 2018

Presenting gender pay gap figures to the public: an online randomised controlled trial

We worked with GEO to test alternative ways of presenting GPG figures to affect comprehension and public attitudes; we wanted the public to be able to distinguish between companies with a large GPG and those with a small GPG. 

  • Blog
  • 1st Aug 2018

New for employers: the latest evidence on What Works to reduce the Gender Pay Gap

Imagine a four-person shortlist that has three women and one man on it. With this shortlist, a woman will be hired only 67% of the time. If you've got two women and two men on the shortlist, a woman will be hired 50% of the time - the odds you…

  • Report
  • 1st Aug 2018

Reducing the gender pay gap and improving gender equality in organisations

Evidence-based actions for employers

  • Person

Shoshana Davidson

Shoshana is a Principal Advisor at the Behavioural Insights Team, leading BIT’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team. She was previously the Programme Manager for BIT’s 3.5-year £2.8m ‘Gender and Behavioural Insights’ (GABI) research programme. Recent research includes trials with Zurich Insurance and John Lewis & Partners to advertise all jobs…

  • Person

Heng Hwee Koh

Heng Hwee is a Senior Advisor in the Singapore office working on a range of issues including inequality, sustainability, and international development. Her particular focus is on applying behavioural insights to digital behaviours. Before joining BIT, Heng Hwee worked with the Institute of Policy Studies to investigate socio-geographical differences in…

  • Blog
  • 17th Oct 2018

50,000 candidates have now applied for jobs through Applied – the Behavioural Insights Team’s first BI Venture

In the early 1970s, only one in twenty people in the top five US orchestras were women. Now that figure is more like one in three. As Harvard Professor Iris Bohnet explains in her book on ‘what works’ to reduce gender inequality, one of the reasons for this shift is…

  • Blog
  • 23rd Oct 2018

The rise of returners: New dynamic norm opens door to gender equality in the workplace

Earlier this year, UK companies with 250 employees or more published their Gender Pay Gap (GPG). With a national average of 18% difference in pay between men and women employees, many organisations are now wondering what they can do to close the gap. The lack of women at senior levels…

  • Blog
  • 25th Oct 2018

50 years on from the Race Relations Act: can behavioural insights help solve inequality?

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Race Relations Act 1968. The groundbreaking legislation made it illegal in the UK to discriminate against people based on their colour, race, ethnicity, or national origins, and refuse them housing, employment or public services. It wasn’t until the 1968 Act that the infamous…

  • Report
  • 24th Jan 2019

The Behavioural Insights Team Annual Update Report 2017-18

Latest results from the team, covering issues from healthcare to humanitarian aid.