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- Blog
- 23rd Nov 2023
Breaking the cycle of silence: Using behavioural insights to tackle gender-based violence in Indonesia
One in three women in Indonesia have experienced violence by an intimate male partner during their lifetime. To promote gender justice in Indonesia, we worked with independent researchers affiliated with UNDP Indonesia who conducted immersion research with GBV survivors.
- Press release
- 18th Oct 2023
Groundbreaking research on WhatsApp chatbot to reduce intimate partner violence published in PLOS
Patterns of violence can start at an impressionable age, when teenagers and women start their first serious relationships and learn what is “normal”—or even desirable—in a partner. There is a strong connection between positive power equity beliefs and lower IPV prevalence.
- Blog
- 18th Oct 2023
Groundbreaking research on WhatsApp chatbot to reduce intimate partner violence published in PLOS
Patterns of violence can start at an impressionable age, when teenagers and women start their first serious relationships and learn what is “normal”—or even desirable—in a partner. There is a strong connection between positive power equity beliefs and lower IPV prevalence.
- Blog
- 13th Sep 2023
Pension Scams: Four ideas for how pension providers can protect pension savers
The impact of pension scams can be devastating for those affected. Beyond the financial loss - on average individuals lose £82,000 of their savings - the emotional and psychological repercussions can be profound.
- EYV Lab project
Think Again
Preventing dating, relationship, and gender-based violence
- Report
- 15th Aug 2023
Mejorando la seguridad de las empresarias en Honduras: siete estrategias desde las ciencias del comportamiento
Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa realizada en 2020 desde la mirada de las ciencias del comportamiento, cuyo propósito fue entender los retos y las oportunidades de las pequeñas y medianas empresarias en Honduras, principalmente relacionados con su seguridad.
- Report
- 15th Aug 2023
Estrategias basadas en las ciencias del comportamiento para abordar la violencia contra las mujeres en América Latina y el Caribe
Las ciencias del comportamiento, referidas al estudio riguroso de la conducta humana y de cómo nuestras acciones son moldeadas por el contexto, pueden desempeñar un papel clave en el desarrollo de soluciones basadas en la evidencia para este problema.
- EYV Lab project
Face It
Supporting young people at risk of exclusion
- EYV Lab project
Working with parents to support the use of positive parenting strategies at home
- Blog
- 6th Apr 2023
Sugar Tax and the response to the Casey report into policing
What is the sugar tax equivalent for changing police culture? What intervention not only tackles bad standards but also positively re-enforces itself, to counter the doom loop of poor standards leading to weak recruitment?