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BIT France opens its doors 🇫🇷

  • Blog
  • 27th Oct 2020

In a time where offices might seem like a distant reality, BIT has just opened a brand new office in Paris. 

My colleagues and I have been working in France for several years now, applying BIT’s methods and global experience to tackle key social challenges and policy issues in the country. 

Thanks to a wide-ranging partnership with the French Department of Public Transformation, we have been able to look at exciting and important challenges, from encouraging children to develop healthy screen habits, to helping the government think through environmental labels, improving labour market access for unemployed youth, or encouraging uptake of the flu vaccine among health professionals. We’ve worked with an extended network of ministries, regional and municipal bodies, as well as national agencies to help them better understand the issues they face, develop innovative solutions and evaluate them rigorously. 

In the couple of years that we’ve worked here, one thing has become very apparent : The appetite for innovation and the use of empirical methods is growing across a range of French organisations – whether they be ministries, local government bodies, NGOs or private corporations. Having a  dedicated French team on the ground here will allow us to develop a better understanding of the role of behavioural science in the policy landscape, and assist a larger number of partners in achieving their social impact goals through the application of behavioural science and evaluation.

On a more personal note, as I signed the lease on BIT France’s first office, 10 years after having left my native Paris to go look for training and experience in places where policy innovation and evaluation were more common, I could not have been prouder. I look forward to contributing to the fast growing community of french researchers and practitioners working to apply behavioural insights for good. 

If you work in an organisation that is seeking to generate social impact and are interested in partnering with BIT France, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in contact on

We are a small but rapidly growing team – so if you’d like to join us, please do keep an eye on our Jobs page. We’re expecting to open positions very soon, and would love to meet you! 
