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5 years of capacity building collaboration with government partners in Indonesia, Bangladesh and Guatemala

Report 5th Sep 2022

Today, we publish a report to share what we learned from one of our largest capacity building programmes to date: Between 2016 and 2021, we worked  with twelve partners in three countries: Indonesia, Bangladesh and Guatemala. 

Through a grant from the Global Innovation Fund, we supported these institutions to run their own behavioural insights (BI) projects, thereby building their skills and experience in applying BI and rigorous evaluation to their work. Over 18 joint projects addressed a variety of policy challenges, including tax compliance, birth registration and school enrollment – all with the aim of improving the lives of millions of people, many of whom are living on less than USD 5 per day. 

The five years were a learning journey not only for our partners, but also for us. Our report distils our recommendations for governments who wish to set up behavioural insights units (BIUs) and for potential funders who plan to set up similar programs. Click on the button below to find out more about the individual projects or contact us at [email protected] for more information.

See all of our trials here

Download our final report

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