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  • Blog
  • 6th Jun 2024

Hacia la Erradicación del Dengue y otras Enfermedades Vectoriales: Un Enfoque Conductual y Sanitario en América Latina

Las ciencias del comportamiento ofrecen herramientas esenciales para influir en las prácticas y decisiones de las comunidades, promoviendo así un enfoque proactivo para reducir la prevalencia de las enfermedades transmitidas por el mosquito.

  • Blog
  • 15th May 2024

Establishing Uruguay's first behavioral unit

Ceibal, the Uruguayan government’s digital technology center for education innovation, embodies these attributes and more. In early 2023, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank, they reached out to BIT for help structuring their own BI unit, the Behavioral Insights/Science Lab.

  • Press release
  • 1st May 2024

BIT and HelpMum Africa selected for the new 8.5M VaxSocial grant to develop behavioural social media interventions to build vaccine confidence

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) and HelpMum Africa have been awarded a major significant grant to explore the role of behavioural change interventions in vaccine uptake in Nigeria, India and Indonesia.

  • Blog
  • 30th Apr 2024

Mengatasi ketidakacuhan di era pasca-pandemi: Bagaimana caranya untuk meningkatkan serapan vaksinasi?

Apakah Anda tahu berapa banyak varian hasil mutasi virus SARS-CoV-2 yang telah muncul sejak awal pandemi? Anda mungkin sudah berhenti mengikuti beritanya karena pandemi sudah tidak lagi menjadi perhatian utama kita. Padahal, varian virus SARS-CoV-2 menjadi hal yang dibicarakan banyak orang ketika WHO mengeluarkan izin penggunaan darurat vaksin COVID-19 pertama…

  • Blog
  • 28th Mar 2024

Broadcasting anti-corruption education to millions

In 1969, Simplemente María, a soap opera about an industrious single mother, led to a spike in literacy class enrollment in Peru. Edutainment experiments have also helped promote healthy sexual development, improve financial decision making, and prevent intimate partner violence. 

  • Blog
  • 27th Mar 2024

Realizing the promise of digital anti-corruption tools

Digital tools are promising in the fight against corruption. 

  • Blog
  • 20th Mar 2024

How can a behavioral science lens reduce corruption?

Since 2019, BIT has been partnering with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation on their On Nigeria Big Bet. The initiative aims to bolster the momentum around Nigerian-led efforts to strengthen accountability, reduce corruption, and improve the quality of life for Nigerians.

  • Person

Laura Hamon

Laura is an Advisor at BIT Americas, based in Bogotá, Colombia, where she supports the Latin America and the Caribbean portfolio. She has worked on supporting the design, implementation and analysis of interventions on issues such as migration, gender-based violence and consumer behavior, among others. Before joining BIT, Laura worked…

  • Blog
  • 1st Feb 2024

Behavioural Science in Latin America and the Caribbean: BIT's Journey and Vision for 2024 and beyond

as the new Director of our LAC team, ushering in an era of tech-driven behavioral insights.

  • Blog
  • 9th Jan 2024

The promise of behavioral science in Latin America

These past few months, the BIT LAC team traveled across the region. We shared new behavioral insights knowledge; reflected on the future of the field; and learned from local practitioners, academics, and civil servants.