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Blog 20th Dec 2022

Carbon Offsetting at BIT

BIT's committment to offsetting emissions from our flights and office energy consumption until we are carbon negative

Blog 5th Feb 2021

Can ‘rules of thumb’ training for principals improve Guatemalan schools?

En 2018, visitamos escuelas secundarias en Guatemala con nuestros excelentes socios en el Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala (MINEDUC). Tratábamos de entender por qué solamente el 32 % de los estudiantes de secundaria aprueban el examen nacional estandarizado de comprensión de lectura y solo el 10 % aprueban el examen…

Also available in: English

Blog 15th Oct 2020

Piloting and prototyping new handwashing stations in Bangladesh

We recently took to the field in Bangladesh where we are running a project with international development organisations BRAC and BIGD to reduce coronavirus transmission. Here, we’re installing 1,000 public handwashing stations at busy locations such as outside mosques, markets, schools and bus stands, to improve access to hygiene facilities…

Blog 28th Aug 2020

From a workshop to farms: reducing bovine tuberculosis in Argentina

Bovine tuberculosis results in a $7 million annual loss for Argentinian farmers, forces the country to throw away 19,000 kilos of meat every day and could have detrimental public health implications if not well managed. Here is how BIT applied behavioural science to tackle this challenging problem.

Also available in: Español

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