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51-60 of 180 results

  • Blog
  • 6th Jun 2022

Webinar: Reducing Fraud & Promoting Cybersecurity

According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumer reports of fraud are at an all-time high, with over $5.8 billion lost. And that’s just in the United States. What makes online scams so effective? How can companies empower people to avoid them? A deep understanding of human behavior can help. Join…

  • Past event
  • 28th Jun 2022

Webinar: Applying Behavioral Science in the Private Sector - part 1

The first webinar in our 'private sector' series will focus on opportunities to apply behavioral insights to: help employees and customers resist online scams, increase compliance to cybersecurity measures/practices and promote honesty in filing insurance claims and providing financial information.

  • Blog
  • 29th Apr 2022

How can we encourage migrant domestic workers to seek help? Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog post series, we talked about the behavioural barriers that migrant domestic workers (MDWs) face when deciding whether and how to seek help, and the prototypes that we designed to address these barriers. If you had voted in the poll in our last blog post,…

  • Blog
  • 22nd Mar 2022

It pays to try public transport

In Australia, the tyranny of distance has led to a historical reliance on commuting by car. But small vehicles account for a total of 10% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, and the emissions from these vehicles are as much as 40% higher than other countries. This comes in addition to…

  • Blog
  • 8th Mar 2022

Women Only Apply When 100% Qualified. Fact or Fake News?

This International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate taking an evidence-based approach to understanding gender inequality in the labour market

  • Blog
  • 1st Mar 2022

Tackling long hours culture and presenteeism

Long working hours harm our wellbeing and our physical and mental health, as well as reduce productivity. They also damage workplace equality, as women tend to have less time to begin with due to disproportionate caring responsibilities, reducing their capacity to work long hours. So how can we create great…

  • Report
  • 16th Feb 2022

Financial First Aider Pilot

People tend to ask friends or family for financial advice. Financial First Aiders (FFAs), employees who are trained to give guidance on financial matters, can give their colleagues another option to find help for money issues. This report summarises key learnings from a pilot project to test out the implementation…

  • Blog
  • 16th Feb 2022

Peer-to-peer financial guidance at work: Lessons from the field

If you are an employer, it will come as no surprise that financial concerns impact your employees’ mental and physical health, and can even affect work performance. Research estimates that money worries cost the UK economy £120bn and 17.5 million lost hours of work. The good news is, employers can…

  • Blog
  • 9th Feb 2022

Where we’ve been and where we’re going: Latin America and the Caribbean

Over the past 8 years, we have run more than 40 projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, including 24 randomized controlled trials. Our work spans 14 countries (and counting!) and our partners range from local and national governments to NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations. We are delighted to…

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 9th Feb 2022

Dónde hemos estado y hacia dónde vamos: América Latina y el Caribe

Durante los últimos 8 años, hemos ejecutado más de 40 proyectos en América Latina y el Caribe, incluidos 24 ensayos controlados aleatorios. Nuestro trabajo abarca 14 países (¡y contando!) Y nuestros socios van desde gobiernos locales y nacionales hasta ONG, el sector privado y organizaciones internacionales.

Also available in: English