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  • Blog
  • 11th Jul 2024

How can we reach non-English speakers for cancer screenings?

Not everyone takes advantage of screening when they’re eligible, and groups with language and cultural barriers get screened even less.

  • Blog
  • 3rd Jul 2024

Celebrando la primera unidad de ciencias del comportamiento de Argentina

Bajo la dirección de Iván Budassi y Fernando Torrente, el equipo de ocho personas logró grandes progresos en sólo tres años. Pusieron a prueba intervenciones, participaron en el debate público, proporcionaron asesoramiento basado en evidencia, y mucho más.

  • Blog
  • 3rd Jul 2024

Celebrating Argentina’s first behavioral insights unit

Three years ago, Argentina’s first behavioral insights unit was born. The Behavioral Sciences and Public Policy Unit (UCCPP) was an incredible example of the promise for applied behavioral science in Latin America.

  • Blog
  • 24th May 2024

Superando la Sequía: Enfoques Innovadores y Soluciones Sostenibles en la Gestión del Agua

Un elemento clave en la búsqueda de prácticas sostenibles de gestión del agua, es la implementación de estrategias que integren las ciencias del comportamiento en el desarrollo de soluciones.

  • Blog
  • 15th May 2024

Estabelecendo a primeira unidade comportamental do Uruguai

O Ceibal, centro de tecnologia digital do governo uruguaio para inovação educacional, incorpora esses atributos e muito mais. No início de 2023, com o apoio do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, eles buscaram a ajuda da BIT para estruturar sua própria unidade de IC, o Laboratório de Insights/Ciências Comportamentais.

  • Blog
  • 15th May 2024

Creación de la primera unidad de ciencias del comportamiento de Uruguay, el Laboratorio de Perspectivas Comportamentales

Ceibal, el centro de innovación educativa con tecnologías digitales del Estado uruguayo,  reúne estas características y más. A principios del 2023, con el apoyo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, solicitó ayuda al BIT para estructurar su propia unidad de ciencias del comportamiento, el Laboratorio de Perspectivas Comportamentales.

  • Blog
  • 15th May 2024

Establishing Uruguay's first behavioral unit

Ceibal, the Uruguayan government’s digital technology center for education innovation, embodies these attributes and more. In early 2023, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank, they reached out to BIT for help structuring their own BI unit, the Behavioral Insights/Science Lab.

  • Blog
  • 16th Apr 2024

Why Hiring Creatives Won't Solve Your Innovation Challenge

Innovation and creativity aren't just desirable; they're essential for business success. By fostering a culture of innovation, businesses gain a competitive edge, ensuring they stand out in crowded markets and stay ahead of evolving trends. 

  • Blog
  • 8th Apr 2024

Are you ready to make the most of new flexible working legislation?

Many employers struggle to implement flexible working successfully. In our work, BIT has identified three barriers and provide suggestions for how to overcome them.

  • Blog
  • 25th Mar 2024

Three opportunities for the future of behavioural science, and how you can use them to keep your organisation ahead of the curve.

At BIT we work with business leaders and organisations to design better systems, policies, products and services. We have decades of experience solving business challenges globally and have developed a dedicated one-day UK based executive training in behavioural science for business leaders to bring our learning into your workplace.