Redesigning consumer loan information to improve financial decision making
How simple design tweaks on product sheets in Thailand improved loan literacy.
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How simple design tweaks on product sheets in Thailand improved loan literacy.
From December all employers in Singapore will have to fairly consider staff requests for flexible working arrangements. This is a big step for the country’s companies – a recent survey found that more than half still maintained a traditional, full work-from-office policy.
We know that practical experience, or learning-by-doing, is a powerful method for learning. When we run training programmes, we want to make sure that every learner walks away with a deep understanding not only of what was on our slides, but more importantly, of the underlying principles and how to…
We overestimate our ability to manage risks - even if there's a very real chance of being attacked by tigers!
Also available in: Indonesian
Kami melebih-lebihkan kemampuan kami untuk mengelola risiko - bahkan jika ada kemungkinan yang sangat nyata untuk diserang oleh harimau!
Also available in: English
In Part 1 of this blog post series, we talked about the behavioural barriers that migrant domestic workers (MDWs) face when deciding whether and how to seek help, and the prototypes that we designed to address these barriers. If you had voted in the poll in our last blog post,…
Incidents of abuse and harassment at workplaces are difficult to catch even when they happen in public places such as an office. When one lives with their employer as Migrant Domestic Workers do in Singapore, the risk that abuse goes undetected is compounded. We partnered with two non-governmental organisations (NGOs),…
On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science it is worth remembering that ‘seeing is believing’ - a principle Iris Bohnet highlights in her book What Works: Gender Equality by Design. When we have a preconceived idea that a career is dominated by men, seeing a real-world example…
We partnered with UN Pulse Lab Jakarta and the Secretariat of the Indonesian National Council for Financial Inclusion to increase financial inclusion in Indonesia. For true financial inclusion to occur, financial services such as bank accounts need to be useful and accessible to people who own them. While 56% of…
One of the most cost-effective ways of scaling the use of behavioural insights (BI) around the world is by building BI capacity. BIT does this by running projects in close collaboration with partner organisations.
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