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  • Blog
  • 19th Jun 2024

How reframing flexible working can drive up female recruitment

It is widely recognised that flexible work is one of the most important factors in helping women return to work, often due to ongoing caregiving responsibilities. Many women will only consider employers who offer such flexibility.

  • Person

Isabel Kaldor

Isabel is an Associate Advisor based in the London office, working in the Work and Equalities team. Prior to joining BIT, she worked as an analyst in the NSW Treasury. Isabel has also gained experience in the private sector, managing machine learning projects in a global AI firm. Isabel recently…

  • Blog
  • 18th Mar 2024

L'entretien prénatal précoce, une étape clé du parcours de grossesse encore trop peu exploitée

Cette consultation est obligatoire pour toutes les femmes enceintes depuis mai 2020 et prise en charge à 100% par l’assurance maladie. 

  • Report
  • 5th Mar 2024

Appliquer une approche comportementale à la lutte contre les stéréotypes limitant l’accès à l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap

En France, malgré la loi sur le handicap de 2005 imposant à toutes les entreprises de plus de 20 salariés d’intégrer à leurs effectifs 6 % de travailleurs handicapés, l’accès à l’emploi demeure difficile pour les personnes en situation de handicap. Nous avons collaboré avec la DITP et Pôle Emploi…

  • Report
  • 5th Mar 2024

Applying a behavioural approach to address stereotypes that limit access to employment for people with disabilities

In France, despite the 2005 law requiring all companies with more than 20 employees to integrate 6% of workers with disabilities into their workforce, accessing employment remains a challenge for disabled jobseekers. We collaborated with the Direction Interministérielle de la Transformation Publique (DITP) and Pôle Emploi to apply a behavioural…

  • Blog
  • 1st Feb 2024

Behavioural Science in Latin America and the Caribbean: BIT's Journey and Vision for 2024 and beyond

as the new Director of our LAC team, ushering in an era of tech-driven behavioral insights.

  • Blog
  • 28th Dec 2023

Three Promising Opportunities for Applied Behavioral Science Compliance, Cybersecurity & Human Resources

Applied behavioral science has flourished in the private sector over the past decade. Today, there are an estimated 154 corporate behavioral science teams. And this figure doesn’t begin to capture the full magnitude of this work, including recent projects by such disparate companies as Unilever, Indeed and Meta.  

  • Blog
  • 27th Nov 2023

Bridging the generation gap: Promoting age diversity in the workplace

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workforce, the concept of diversity has evolved beyond gender, race, and ethnicity. Age diversity, often overlooked, is a crucial component for fostering innovation, resilience, and productivity within businesses. 

  • Blog
  • 25th Nov 2023

Domestic violence : a tool to increase screening by 76%

Doctors can be powerful allies for women suffering domestic violence

  • Person

Dr Jelka Stojanov

Jelka is an Advisor in the Work & Equalities team and focuses on improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and the labour market. Prior to joining BIT, Jelka completed her PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the…