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61-70 of 511 results

  • Blog
  • 12th Oct 2023

A behavioural lens on Keir Starmer's conference speech

It was the Leader of the Opposition’s fullest, and most personal, account of what he thinks ails Britain and how a Labour government might go about fixing it.

  • Blog
  • 6th Oct 2023

How can benefits calculators and grants portals help the financially vulnerable? 

According to the social policy company Policy in Practice, £19 billion in benefits go unclaimed in the UK each year. The cost of living crisis will likely result in this number growing yet further, as the government has moved to supplement the incomes of benefit claimants. 

  • Blog
  • 6th Oct 2023

Bold moves from the PM: Unpacking the behavioural angle of Rishi Sunak's Party Conference speech

Cigarettes are the only legal consumer product that, when used correctly, will kill the majority of users. Raising the smoking age on a regular basis, as New Zealand has done, was one of our recommendations to the Khan Review on making smoking obsolete, and is supported by the public, per…

  • Blog
  • 4th Oct 2023

Saving more than just money: what does it take to support reductions in alcohol consumption?

Alcohol consumption is a significant public health challenge globally, contributing to an estimated 3 million deaths every year; 5.3% of all deaths worldwide.  COVID-19 might have further increased the harms from alcohol consumption: Public Health Scotland published new statistics in March 2023 showing that the number of deaths occurring as…

  • Blog
  • 2nd Oct 2023

Learn how to use behavioural science to improve your business leadership & decision-making

But by understanding how and why we make the decisions that we do, we can improve how we make decisions as individuals and how large groups of people make decisions at scale.

  • Report
  • 29th Sep 2023

Media literacy uptake amongst 'hard to reach' citizens

This report provides insight into citizens’ current rates of engagement with media literacy initiatives, the barriers to engagement these citizens face, and the factors that might stimulate their increased engagement in the future.

  • Blog
  • 25th Sep 2023

Pilot findings from Phoenix Group’s Midlife MOT

The UK government’s “Midlife MOT” initiative aims to support individuals in midlife and is a review for workers in their 40s and 50s that helps them assess their finances, skills and health and helps to prepare for retirement and build financial resilience.

  • Report
  • 20th Sep 2023

Using behavioural insights to improve employee financial resilience

By the end of 2023, one million UK households are set to run out of savings entirely. The economic pressures on the country’s workforce resulting from the pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine, among other factors, are immense. Without savings – both immediate and pension savings – individuals are completely vulnerable…

  • Press release
  • 20th Sep 2023

Research shows employees want and need new ways to save

A joint research project between PayCaptain, the London-based payroll service provider, and the Behavioural Insights Team has uncovered new findings on employees’ barriers to saving.  With economic pressures on employees continuing to increase and one million households expected to have run out of savings by the end of 2023, the…

  • Blog
  • 13th Sep 2023

Pension Scams: Four ideas for how pension providers can protect pension savers

The impact of pension scams can be devastating for those affected. Beyond the financial loss - on average individuals lose £82,000 of their savings - the emotional and psychological repercussions can be profound.