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Gambling management tool survey results

Report 16th Feb 2024

In this report, BIT’s Gambling Policy & Research Unit presents findings from a survey looking at individuals’ who gamble opinions towards gambling management tools (deposit limits, reality checks, self exclusion etc). We were interested in participants’ comprehension and awareness of current gambling management tools and their opinions towards new tools, such as activity statements. 

Our key findings include:

  • Only around a third to a half of participants correctly understood most tools, suggesting more needs to be done to increase comprehension which may in turn increase use.
  • Raising awareness of tools should be a priority. In particular, de-stigmatising the use of tools through social norms could be effective.
  • 37% of participants wanted a tool to apply across all gambling accounts they hold. This is a significant minority and lends support to a single customer view

This survey was part of a larger body of exploratory research into activity statements, please click here to see the results from our Activity Statement trial.  

Download the report


Deelan Maru

Senior Policy Advisor to the Chief of Innovation and Partnerships

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