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  • Blog
  • 15th May 2024

Creación de la primera unidad de ciencias del comportamiento de Uruguay, el Laboratorio de Perspectivas Comportamentales

Ceibal, el centro de innovación educativa con tecnologías digitales del Estado uruguayo,  reúne estas características y más. A principios del 2023, con el apoyo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, solicitó ayuda al BIT para estructurar su propia unidad de ciencias del comportamiento, el Laboratorio de Perspectivas Comportamentales.

  • Blog
  • 15th May 2024

Estabelecendo a primeira unidade comportamental do Uruguai

O Ceibal, centro de tecnologia digital do governo uruguaio para inovação educacional, incorpora esses atributos e muito mais. No início de 2023, com o apoio do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, eles buscaram a ajuda da BIT para estruturar sua própria unidade de IC, o Laboratório de Insights/Ciências Comportamentais.

  • Blog
  • 8th May 2024

Let’s get to school!

Ceibal’s Behavioral Science/Insights Lab and BIT made an impact on student absenteeism. A multi-component behavioral intervention reduced primary school absences by an average of 6%, equivalent to 1.7 days per academic year. In total, our intervention led to an additional 16,920 days of school attended.

  • Blog
  • 8th May 2024

¡Vamos a la escuela!

El Laboratorio de Perspectivas Comportamentales de Ceibal y el BIT lograron reducir el ausentismo escolar en un 6% (equivalente a 1,7 días por año académico) a través de una intervención comportamental multicomponente.. En total, el impacto de la intervención se tradujo en 16.920 días adicionales de asistencia a la escuela.

  • Blog
  • 8th May 2024

Vamos para a escola!

O Laboratório de Insights/Ciências Comportamentais do Ceibal e a BIT tiveram um impacto no absenteísmo escolar dos alunos. Uma intervenção comportamental multicomponente reduziu as faltas na escola primária em uma média de 6%, equivalente a 1,7 dias por ano letivo. No total, nossa intervenção resultou em 16.920 dias adicionais de…

  • Current project

Social Capital

Researching social media data to better understand how different forms of social connections between people affect the opportunities they have in their lives.

  • Blog
  • 30th Apr 2024

Mengatasi ketidakacuhan di era pasca-pandemi: Bagaimana caranya untuk meningkatkan serapan vaksinasi?

Apakah Anda tahu berapa banyak varian hasil mutasi virus SARS-CoV-2 yang telah muncul sejak awal pandemi? Anda mungkin sudah berhenti mengikuti beritanya karena pandemi sudah tidak lagi menjadi perhatian utama kita. Padahal, varian virus SARS-CoV-2 menjadi hal yang dibicarakan banyak orang ketika WHO mengeluarkan izin penggunaan darurat vaksin COVID-19 pertama…

  • Blog
  • 30th Apr 2024

Jabbing through indifference in the post-pandemic era: how do we encourage vaccine uptake?

Vaccine access and hesitancy are as much behavioural challenges as they are policy challenges in Indonesia, and globally, which threaten to prolong the impact of the pandemic.

  • Blog
  • 16th Apr 2024

Why Hiring Creatives Won't Solve Your Innovation Challenge

Innovation and creativity aren't just desirable; they're essential for business success. By fostering a culture of innovation, businesses gain a competitive edge, ensuring they stand out in crowded markets and stay ahead of evolving trends. 

  • Blog
  • 11th Apr 2024

Could summer jobs stop youth violence?

In many American cities, Summer Youth Employment Programs offer young people from disadvantaged backgrounds short-term paid employment during the long summer break from school. Some of these programmes have been in existence for decades and operate at a huge scale. Given the evidence from the US on violent youth offending,…